I’ve been dabbling in piano with Tyler a bit to see if he’s ready to start. He kept insisting on cello, but I’ve been resisting that for a long time. I don’t think I can handle another string player. I just about gave in, and decided to try him out on cello, but since M’Jean’s little cello is being used elsewhere, and I’m not ready to invest in another one, we are going for piano. He warmed up to the piano quickly, and I’m hopeful we can say goodbye to beginning any more string instruments.

This was technically Jan 31st - Jon took me to a BYU basketball game - so fun! We also went to one on Feb 12th. I love dating my man!


Six ward boundaries in our stake were realigned today to create a brand new ward. Our ward didn’t have a boundary change, but our building is now getting a third traditional ward in it, so all of our activities are being squeezed into one day of the week, which is going to be a pain with pack meeting the same night as mutual. We are also having to downsize on closet space, but it’s do-able. Some of our friends from the 8th ward are now in the new 7th ward. Crazy times!

It’s been a great month.



Not Enough Springdell Time

Valentine’s Day

I’ve had to take the boys to cello lessons a few times, which is usually a disaster and totally drains me! Thankfully, our teacher introduced us to her train bins, which have kept the boys occupied on more than one occasion. I still have to leave the lesson to resolve fighting and make sure they are keeping the rules, so it isn’t ideal, but it’s better than nothing. It makes such a huge difference when Jon can work from home and I can leave the boys there!

I put Adam, Andrew and Tyler in a Futsal academy for February. I wish I had done it in January, too! I hesitated because it ran 6-7pm every Tuesday and Thursday, which I didn’t think I could manage. But in February, we managed just fine. We ate dinner either earlier or later than normal, and this it was so worth it for my boys to resume Paul’s awesome training, and to see them running at full speed, and developing their skills, etc. Too bad it was relatively warm in February, and now when we are going to start outside for March, it’s starting to actually feel like winter!

Amy let Mark help her bake cookies.

Mark was really sick for a few days. He fell asleep on me twice, which was so sad, and yet I loved it since that hasn’t happened since he was a baby. He ended up with a double ear infection, with one of his eardrums rupturing (a first for me). I love antibiotics! We also had to put in ear drops twice daily. At first he hated the Amoxicillin, and I convinced him to take it so we could “get the bad guys” in his ears. It was still a rough week!

We spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon up at Springdell 2/8. The weather was Springlike, and Barney & Mary joined us, which was a treat.

I had to leave this party early to take care of Mark whose ears were killing him. He’d be playing just fine, and then have a really hard time, back and forth, over and over again. I resigned myself to taking him to InstaCare, but was able to keep him content by mixing his Tylenol with Sprite (he refused to take medicine before this). Then I took him in the next day to discover his double ear infection and ruptured ear drum.

Jon redid our movie-watching equipment at the cabin, so for a while, everything was taken apart and a mess, so no one wanted to go. Then it was the Lloyds’ week, and then there were sewer problems again. Jon hired someone new this time who replaced a pipe in our side yard that had huge roots blocking the pipe. They also discovered an enormous ball of roots in the main Springdell pipe, which we also paid for. Fun, fun. Hopefully we can take a break from those problems for a while.

Andrew finally got his turn to use the iPad Valentine detector box, which started with Natalie. The screen says “Insert Valentine” with arrows moving up to the opening. It senses the Valentines, and makes a dinging noise, flashes, and then displays various messages on candy hearts. He loves that in this picture, the candy heart says “Andrew Rules.”

Adam used the MineCraft box we made last year, and Amy made a piano Valentine box completely by herself. It tuned out so awesome!

The lamest thing about Valentine’s Day at school was that ski club was that day, and no teachers made exception for it. So Adam and Andrew both missed their class Valentine parties to go skiing. While skiing is awesome, nobody wants to miss their class Valentine party! Amy collected both of their loaded boxes at the end of school, and along with hers, she was quite weighed down!

Mark can do some serious tricks on his hammock swing!

Tyler’s favorite part of soccer/futsal has always been one-on-ones.

Andrew doing a cool move, right before being taken down (way illegally) by his opponent from behind. Andrew’s age group had games almost every Saturday in February, and one in March. He’s loving all that playtime!

The kids working on our embarrassingly awful back yard. If the grass doesn’t work this time, we’re moving... or putting in a pool.

A neighbor brought out her bunnies for them to graze, but they were pretty distracted by all the excited kids to eat much!

The kids were supposed to sit still and let the bunnies come to them. It was pretty exciting!

Tyler got a lot of petting time!

Tyler had an evaluation meeting with Kalo (Andrew’s teacher) to see if he is ready to start taking piano lessons. He is, so we are figuring out when it would be best to start.

Cute Mark stirring a very “healthy” Sunday lunch.

2/10 - Best buddies! I’m glad these boys have each other!

2/10 - Mark often starts snapping pictures when he sits on my lap.

2/10 Natalie’s National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony. She was invited to be in it last year, but I heard about it last minute, so she didn’t have time to complete all the paperwork before the deadline. Better late than never!

Amy had futsal games every Saturday with Jon coaching.

2/15 Silly Mark!

2/15 - Mark on the phone at Gary & M’Jean’s house during a family dinner

the boys geeking out over a programmable message sign Gary gave them

2/14 - In addition to 2 futsal games and our big Primary Service Activity, the kids and I enjoyed our traditional Valentine meal together, and then played a few rounds of “Hedbanz” and Racko before Jon got home.

2/18 - After doing the Escape House with the kids, my parents came over so Dad could teach Adam how to do family history research. Adam ate it up.

The little boys enjoyed some game time with my mom.

We love the little carts at Day’s Market!

Jon has been reading one of Jim Corbett’s books to Adam: “The Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag”. Jim Corbett was a famous hunter, specifically for man-eating animals. He has some crazy stories!

Adam performed in a studio recital held at Jamestown Assisted Living Center. It made all the difference when I told him that one of his friends would be there! His friend isn’t in his group class (different levels), but being in the same recital was so fun! They goofed off, which I said was fine as long as they were silent. I repeatedly reminded them to stay quiet, and just thought they were cute/funny until the last number, when Adam was laughing so hard - in the quiet way - and looking so silly, that I, myself, had to control myself so I wouldn’t laugh out loud! From the tears in my eyes, people may have thought I was moved by that last piece. Ha ha!

Farewell to My Parents

2/24 Our Cub Committee Chair is the bomb! She is so amazing at pulling off awesome activities on a small budget... and maintains her composure and cheerfulness the whole time. She is amazing! Her sister brought her pony for the kids to pet. We came early to help set up, so Adam got some extra time with her, which he loved!

Andrew was bummed when I had to take him away early from his best friend’s birthday party at Hang Time in Orem for pack meeting. That place really looks fun!

2/27 - cute reading buddies


We got to see my parents for a few minutes on 2/22 since they were dropping off an old table on their way back from Dad’s brother & sister-in-law’s mission homecoming. Natalie is taller than my mom now! (Which is proof that she has shrunk, since she used to be taller than I, and Natalie is still barely shorter than I!)

And then all too soon, it was goodbye until the family reunion in the summer. It has been awesome having them close for a little while.

When I do bring the kids to Pack Meeting, I don’t usually see much of them because they team up with their friends, which is fantastic!

Andrew and Adam were both awarded several things. I forgot to tell Heidi that Adam earned his Webelos badge, so he’ll have to wait another month to get that (he was bummed). We are working to finish both Andrew’s wolf and Adam’s Arrow of Light requirements before the whole program changes this May/June.

We had chili, cornbread, salad, fruit, and dessert. I was reminded how much I love my chili and cornbread recipes! There aren’t many things I make well, but those two things I do!

They had several fun photo booths set up. Grumpy Adam at least stood in the photo.

Our Cub Master’s sister-in-law is from the Hopi tribe, so as part of the Arrow of Light ceremony, she danced while her husband sang and played the drum. Their toddler was also dressed up to dance, but ran around the gym instead.

2/26 - Amy made her sugar cube castle for school completely on her own. (Except for my chain addition for her drawbridge that morning.) She’s a rock star!

Tyler bracing himself for the Big Kid Shove - Tyler is awesome!

The last weekend in February, we were finally able to spend time at the cabin. It felt so good to get away again! We had pizza and root beer for dinner, and then got to enjoy our newly installed projector (the one we used to have at our house) and a giant movie screen that retracts when we’re done with it. So awesome! The new sound system makes it better than a movie theater! We are in heaven again! We introduced the kids to the first “Mission Impossible” which was quite intense with the new setup!

the posse

Tyler is such a cool customer on bikes! He’s always been a natural.

Saturday night, I introduced the kids to “What About Bob.” They were reluctant to watch a new video, but agreed that it was a good choice after they all died laughing several times in the movie and couldn’t stop quoting it and reenacting afterward. It was awesome!

A neighbor drove by and asked with a smile, “Why doesn’t his have a motor like everyone else’s?” I told him,  “Well, he is asking me to help him put ‘gas’ in his tank (grass).”

2/27 - Mark’s first ever sticking-out-his-tongue picture

I don’t think he’s done making silly faces!

The girls and I started a family history class on Sunday afternoons at BYU. So far, it hasn’t been super interesting for the girls, but it has been really valuable information, and it has been fun to take our Sunday outings together!

...And when I read these promises from apostles of the Lord, I’m determined to help all of my kids be involved in family history and temple work!

Richard G. Scott, “The Joy of Redeeming the Dead,” October 2012:

We have been cranking out the boys’ cub scout requirements. At the next pack meeting, Andrew will receive his last yellow bead, his wolf badge, a gold and 3 silver arrow points! We are now completely done with his requirements before the change in June, and will help him earn as many arrow points as he wants. I’ll be working more intensely with Adam now that Andrew is taken care of. I don’t want to mess with a transition. I just want them to finish in the old program. Then I’ll start their next rank with the new programs.