The timing worked out amazingly well. We scheduled an hour, and everyone was able to visit their homes and return to the bishop’s home within that time. As classes returned, our secretary led them in a game of missionary tag, which was a big hit.

We then gave the kids a chance to share any neat experiences they had on their outing. Apparently, we made a lot of people cry! I made sure the kids knew that it was a good kind of crying.

We then passed out a “secret service” packet for each child (made by my counselor) to help encourage them to do more service on their own.

Some of our teachers started out not really wanting to serve in Primary, and so to see them (at other times as well) fully embracing their callings and loving the kids in their class, rearranging their schedules to make it to this activity, and making such an enormous difference through their efforts, is so fulfilling and exciting!

We will have about 3 more service activities this year. I’m so happy with how this went, and with the team effort of my presidency along with our teachers and the families. It was a huge success! I can’t wait for our next activity!

We first met in the bishop’s gym (the church was booked) where we had an opening song, prayer, and I shared two scriptures about service:

Matthew 22:37-39 and Matthew 25:40.

We talked about how Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, who are neighbors are (everyone), and how we get to serve our actual neighbors today! And then how when we serve others, it is like we are serving Jesus Christ. This is our way to show love to Him!

Then we passed out t-shirts by classes. (These turned out great - my counselor’s co-worker designed the logo, and our secretary’s dad owns a t-shirt company.)

Then the kids each decorated a pre-cut heart with messages like “I love you” or whatever they wanted to say.

Then we passed out routes to each class with 3-5 homes to visit. The teachers took their classes - most walked, and a few drove.

When they got to their first house, they were instructed to:

  1. 1.pray as a little group that the people they visited would feel of their love and Heavenly Father’s love for them.

  2. 2.Decide on a song to sing (we passed out a list of ideas).

  3. 3.Decorate the door with a pack of little hearts we gave them.

  4. 4. Knock on the door. If they are home, say “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Sing their song, and give them a personally-decorated heart and hugs.

Since I didn’t have a class, I got to be “paparazzi” and drive around, trying to capture the classes in action. I stopped at Tyler’s first. This class of 3 boys and their awesome teachers were so cute! Instead of singing a song, they recited John 3:16 (our Primary scripture for February, which they all memorized). Their recipient was in tears, and it was such a neat moment. I got to chat with her afterward, which was really nice for me since I’ve been wanting to catch up with her!

The teachers were so awesome, and I think this helped everyone to feel that they are part of our Primary team! It also gave them a chance to bond with their classes outside of church. I think it’s important for teachers to be recognized for all of their hard work! They are the ones who make good things happen for these kids every Sunday as they prepare lessons for them and serve them. I don’t think they get enough credit, and they can often feel isolated. We love our amazing teachers and are trying to communicate that better, and involve them more in all we do.

It has been said that sister missionaries can get into places where elders can’t. After this activity, I learned that children can get into places where adults can’t! Children have a special spirit and a feeling of love and sweetness that is unique to them. Some real miracles happened on this activity, which I don’t think I should share publicly. But there are a few families who haven’t been coming to church who the children were able to reach - people that no one else could reach. Overall, all of the children, our Primary workers, and the people visited felt love and the joy of service!

It was so fun to drive around the ward and see groups of little red shirts running down the street or decorating people’s doors.

Not everyone was home or would answer (which was a bummer for the kids), but they left their hearts at each home regardless, and had fun.

Adam’s group had only one person home, but they had fun anyway!

We asked the teachers to take pictures if they were able, which I was so grateful for, since I couldn’t get around to every group. There were some priceless photos catching a little glimpse of the love shared that Valentine’s Day!

Tyler’s class was so awesome! They drove around with their windows down and yelled out “Happy Valentine’s Day” to everyone they passed. It was so cute and fun!

Here is one of our sweet Sunbeams sharing what she learned about how we use our hands to help Jesus in serving others. It melts my heart!