My Favorites page has a section on General Conference with links to all of my past posts about General Conference with other ideas, if you are interested.

*If you are going to make a Conference Center board and would like my text, pictures and patterns, click on this post

I hope we all enjoy General Conference!

The kids’ binders are ready a few days ahead of time this year (phew)! They all get the same packet -- my “Ultimate Conference Packet” which helps direct them to Conference rather than purely keeping them busy during it.

The younger they are, however, the more coloring/activity pages they get behind a tab in their binder, so they have options if they aren’t up to note-taking for very long. Last year, Natalie purely took notes, which was awesome! Andrew mainly sits in front of the Conference Board, so doesn’t use his binder a ton.

Sunday, we will use special speaker treats again, but this year I have divided up portions into separate bags for each child, to minimize wasted time and distractions.

Saturday night, we will see which apostles haven’t yet spoken, then I’ll tape their pictures on these treats. The kids loved this last year and have been anticipating round 2!

Last year, we used crackers, cookies, pretzels, Propel water, Gummy Bears and beef jerky. This year I swapped out the beef jerky (kids weren’t fans) for Twizzlers and jelly beans, though just looking at that picture makes me crave the jerky. You can also use non-edible novelties. (FYI, in the picture on the right, I have towels underneath the treats for visibility.)

It turned out not to be too much food because it’s only for the apostles and the eating is spread out between 2 sessions. This year we also have portion control with the divided bags.

I’m planning meals now so I won’t need to do a lot of work on those days. This year, I’m going for Conference Cupcakes for both breakfasts, a.k.a. muffins: Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins, and either Strawberry Cornmeal Muffins or Carrot Cupcakes.

I finally finished my Conference Center board! It’s been plenty functional since I made it last October, but I’m very happy to have finished the music section and a few more pockets, pictures and details. Of course, I know I’ll need to update pictures when the people change, but for now....

Andrew told me today, “I’m excited for General Conference!” When I asked why, he responded, pointing to my board, “Because I get to do that!!” I have no doubt that Tyler will be joining him at the Conference Center Board this year. Older siblings like to help out occasionally, too.

*If you are going to make a Conference Center board and would like my text, pictures and patterns, click on this post.

This is about how it looks by the end. The conversation bubble by the speaker is where the kids put pictures of the speaker’s topics. The topic cards on the table are for that.

Our family is “In Attendance” on the bottom right.

The airplane moves when a speaker from another country speaks or when any place in the world is mentioned.

The temple moves places for each session, and the girls frequently change the clock time.

This year’s main addition is this music section. The organist and conductor places were already there, but I added the arrows. One points to the MoTab or “Guest Choir” and the other points to the group singing.

I have pictures of all of the regular organists and conductors, but just added “guest conductor” pictures - both male and female versions. Fun!

This is how it looks before Conference begins (above). The main features are the pulpit, chairs and speaker pictures. When someone speaks, a child puts their picture at the pulpit. When finished speaking, they sit in their assigned spot below. Speakers besides the First Presidency and Quorum of the 12 fill in the bottom 2 rows of chairs in order as they speak. I love seeing who has and has not spoken.

Andrew helped me to stock everyone’s pencil pouch with a pen, pencil and new/sharpened crayons.

I make a packet for myself, too (top left binder)! Along with helping me to improve it each time, I like this method for note-taking. My binder also holds the sticker pictures for the speakers, which I pass out to the kids.

last year’s Sunday treats

this year’s (divided up)

Saturday Lunch: BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches on these delectable rolls. Sunday Lunch: Yummy Mummies and Orange Mashed Potatoes (I can’t wait for Halloween). Both dinners will be left-overs.



“Our Conference Center” Board

Sunday Session Novelties

Click HERE for my updated board (2012 version).