I printed out the new General Relief Society Presidency, Presiding Bishopric, and a new member of the Pres. of the 70. There will always be more changes in the future, but I’m happy to be up-to-date for now!

I updated my Ultimate General Conference packet with additional note-taking pages for the girls (ages 9 & 11). I also added two new pages in the front for Conference prep and follow-up.

Since the kids have seen the board out, they have already started talking about how excited they are for General Conference. Just 20 more days! Yippee!

Tiffany Keetch made a lovely version and created her own printables, too (see hers here). I upgraded my conversation bubble using her graphic and am happy to have four places for topics now! (Below it is this scripture: “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” D&C 1:38.)

I upgraded the pulpit, too and think it looks so spiffy now!

Speaking of the topics... my sis-in-law Jeanette (and others), put the topics on the right side of the board instead of in a separate binder or on the floor as I had them. It took me a while to decide that I wanted to make this switch since it meant losing the map and the family seating, and moving the music. Tyler already expressed disappointment that I took off the airplane, so I glued it onto the backside of this flap.

I moved the music section to the left side of the board and simplified the text.

Instead of an arrow, I used a musical note to indicate which group is singing: women, men, or both.

I added an extra Velcro sticker for a second organist, since they often team up.

empty board, ready for Conference

So here is the old vs. the new:

my original version

my newly refurbished version

I’ve updated the downloadable files on this post.

(I like both. The first version looks less busy, but I think having the topics on the side will be nicer, and I think the updates help the second one look much cleaner and classier.)

I added a mini picture of an organ and a music stand to help young kids know which spot is which.

The Back Side (New!)

Like I said, Tyler did not want to part with the airplane, which moves continents whenever a new place is mentioned during Conference, or to the homeland of the speaker. So I put the map on the outside right flap. I’m glad it has a new home!

My FAVORITE new thing is our “living room.” Since I disposed of our old “conference seating” on the front side of the board, I decided to upgrade to an idea that started with my sis-in-law Molly: using a picture of your couch.

I took pictures of some of our furniture, and also cleared away the furniture so I could get a picture of our rug.

Rather than just head shots, I took full body shots of everyone on our couch. I had all the kids sit Indian-style (or side-saddle for the girls) so they could sit on the rug as well.

I LOVE how it turned out, and the kids think it is the coolest thing ever!

As if I haven’t already used a boatload of Velcro... I put Velcro in 8 places, and the kids can choose where everyone sits, though Mom and Dad will always be sitting in a chair.

Yes, yes, I should’ve taken the boys’ pics in their Sunday clothes, but I’ll do that another time. The kids can’t wait to choose their spot to “Come Listen To A Prophet’s Voice!”