Other thoughts:

So far I’ve never brought crayons or the like for my kids to draw with. I just personally don’t like it, though I know it works for a lot of people.

We try really hard to feed our kids a good breakfast before church so they don’t have to eat in the chapel. There have been many times (mainly when we’ve had early church) when we had to resort to Cheerios and water. A hungry child isn’t easily appeased! But we really don’t like bringing snacks if we can help it since church is a place to worship, not eat. I like using the other materials in my bag as distractions or entertainment rather than food if I can.

I’d love to know about any religious materials you’ve thought of to add to a Sunday bag or strategies you have for keeping your children paying attention in church.

P.S. I’m studying “Mothers Who Know Honor Sacred Ordinances and Covenants” this week.

8. Sunday Binders. The girls and I made these 2 years ago. I bought them each a pastel binder (with the plastic on the outside for slipping in pictures). After we’re through with The Friend magazines, I slice off the binding, and keep them in plastic sheet protectors in binders. The girls sorted through them and picked out their favorite stories, pictures, and poems, and added them to their binders. It’s easy to switch out the pages and covers.

To keep my bag from getting to heavy, I had the girls bring their own bags to church when they brought these binders. Now that the girls are older, these have stayed home in our Sunday bin. But for a while, these were a great help in the meeting.