Please leave a comment below or send me an email if you download my patterns. I’d love to hear from you and hope you enjoy this book as much as we have!

They feel the fuzzy bread and look at a painting of Christ on the cross. They touch the sparkly water “droplets” and see the painting of Christ in Gethsemane.

I have shared some instructions and printables below for you to make your own. I hope that all children will learn about and love the ordinance of the sacrament.

This is the entire book. (Since it’s been in use for seven years, it has some wear, tear and dirt.)


Intro Page*

*My sister-in-law used an alternative first page, which I love and included in the instructions and printables. Hers says: Jesus told his apostles to meet together each Sabbath day and remember him. I come to Sacrament Meeting to take the sacrament and think about Jesus. Jesus said, “This do in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) Remembering Jesus helps me choose the right.

Pages 2 & 3

The flaps open to reveal one piece of bread and one cup of water.

Pages 4 & 5

Pages 6 & 7

As I thought about what it means to think of His body, I realized that we should also remember His resurrected body, and that through his death and resurrection, we will all be resurrected.

The kids love to move the stone door of the tomb to find Jesus alive.

I thought that the flaps would help the kids to remember Jesus, since He is behind each felt door. The kids whisper, “Jesus!” as they open each flap.

Pages 7 & 8

I love the feel of these shiny bead “water droplets.”

Pages 9 & 10

I had a harder time finding ways to make these pages interactive. The heart buttons are surprisingly fun for the kids to feel and move. When they touch them, I remind them that Jesus loves them.

I have had the kids copy the boy folding his arms and had them make the sign for “sorry” when pointing to the picture on the right.

I bet there would be something neat to do with the baptism page, but....

Page 11

The kids love the googly eyes on this happy boy. They are pretty quiet when you shake the book, but I learned that they can be a little loud when someone hits them!