I am really happy with these simple solutions for our music materials.

A few years ago, I bought this Reader’s End Table from Brookstone. I was thrilled to have a shelf for each of my six kids! This is next to our piano and we use it for the music the kids are currently using. They each have their own shelf.

Since Adam plays cello and practices in another room, I only keep his cello accompaniment on his shelf here.

The bag on the left is the bag we take our music in to lessons.

I am so happy to have moved all of our other piano music from files to these file holders from Walmart. They are super sturdy and stand on their own. (They are not the kind you assemble, which have edges protruding inside the box and which topple over when empty.) I love these and it’s hard to beat $4.92 per (sturdy) holder! They are easy to pull out, see what you want, and slide back into place.

FYI, I cannot find these magazine holders on walmart.com or any other website. I could only find them in-store and even had to ask an employee to retrieve more from their backroom storage.

In the kids’ practice room I have two more holders for Adam’s cello music, and 4 more for the girls’ violin music. I love, love, love this better system for organizing our sheet music!

One trick is finding book shelves that are tall enough to accommodate the height of the music. See how all of the sheet music sticks above the magazine holders? The bottom shelf in my library is the only shelf tall enough. (And an unusually tall cupboard in our piano room generously houses the piano music.)

Sheet Music

In the box on top of the shelf, I keep practicing gadgets.

I am a sucker for music gadgets and games! I found some nifty new containers to keep them organized, visible, and accessible. Here is a sample.

It’s all very close to the piano. (Notice “Practice Monkey” enjoying Tyler’s piano playing.)