I have to say, that Gary looks the coolest with two missions pinned, the first being Lebanon! I mean, how many people got to serve in Lebanon?! When that mission closed, he served in the Swiss mission, speaking German.

I realized that I served in the most northern mission on the map, with Kevin in second!

I bought the framed map several years ago on Amazon. I had put gold dots on Jon’s and my missions, but Jon thought red pins and twine would look much cooler. I agree!

Supplies Used:

Pictures printed at home on Costco photo paper, laminated

Removable Adhesive Putty

1mm Cotton Waxed Cord - RED

1/8” map tacks, RED


I decided to limit the missionaries I display to the kids’ cousins, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles. I decided to not include couples missions, and to focus on the young single missions served. I made 3 exceptions: one for the kids’ great-grandmother who served a mission after being widowed, one for my uncle and aunt, David and Janis, currently serving in the South Africa Durban mission, and one for Andrew South, who is close enough to our family to be considered an uncle.

I made an Excel file with the mission picture, name, mission name, and dates served. I love how it all turned out!

Here’s a


to everyone who sent me their mission pictures! A few people had to dig out their boxes of mission pictures - Lexye said it was her first time seeing some of the photos of Nick! Many had to scan pictures for me. I really appreciate all of your help! I love seeing the pictures of everyone during such a memorable and wonderful time of their life. This is so fun for our family to look at, and my hope is that it will be an inspiration for my kids as they approach their own missions.

To top off the room, I bought $4 clocks from Target, and put them on the times of the currently serving missionaries -- in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Durban, South Africa. I have our time in Provo, Utah in the middle, and my mission’s time on the right. I added labels for each location underneath the clock.

I enlarged a favorite mission photo of Jon and of me, mounted that on foam board with the edges painted black. I had our missionary tags framed at Michael’s and think they did an excellent job.

Yaaaaaaaay for missionaries! Yaaaaaaaay for our missionary wall!

Apart from Andrew South in New Zealand, Jon, Jake, and my Grandpa Fish all served in the Southernmost mission. Jake is in the exact same mission that Jon served in - the Argentina Buenos Aires North mission. It’s fun to have Jake and Josh Danneman on our map - currently serving!!

The western hemisphere is hoppin’ with missionaries! I love it!