(Do you see Adam in the back row? He and his partner got the first answer and got to throw the football at the pictures. He loved it!)

I brought the pom-poms again, but was worried about taking too much time away from singing and sharing time, so we didn’t use them, though I wish we had. I also had a treat for them at the end (mints wrapped in BYU blue). I think I’ll do the pom-poms next Sunday since a few of the kids were absent last week, including Amy. (We sang “Do As I’m Doing” with them after their last touchdown.)

I felt a little bad that we didn’t just beat the bishopric... we slaughtered them! But our kids have been working hard on these and are really sharp! I guess the bishopric just needs to step up their game! Brother Barker was awesome and said that they’d come back for a rematch sometime. I think it was a lot of fun.

Everyone was surprised when I turned the white board around to reveal the bishopric’s pictures (3 times each) with the title “Beat the Bishopric” above it.

The goal: to get the most points.

How: I passed out counting cards and a pencil to every other child, and gave one to the bishopric as well. I asked the kids to form teams (they could have 2 or more on their team, but everyone did two). I called out the number of an Article of Faith, and the teams raced to count HOW MANY WORDS are in that Article of Faith. (I wanted some way to use the Articles of Faith, and this worked really well.) *We did not allow any materials like scriptures, phones, AofF cards, etc. - just their brains.

When the teams thought they had the right answer, they raised their hands. I had them whisper their answer in my ear, and if it was right, I had them stand at the back of the room. When the bishopric finished counting, I asked for their guess. Then I had the children tell their answer. The poor bishopric was wrong every time!

The winning team (Primary/Bishopric) won 3 points (which I’d make 2 next time). Then the first team with the right answer got to each throw a Nerf football at the pictures of the bishopric. If they hit the bishop’s picture, they got 2 extra points. If they hit a counselor’s picture, they got 1 extra point. No one could hit the bishop! Then a member of the bishopric got to take a shot at the pictures for extra points. (I forgot to do this till the end, but had intended to do that after each round.

I did three rounds: the 2nd Article of Faith, the 7th, and then the big kahuna: the 13th!

On the first two rounds, the first team done had the right answer, but on the 13th, I must have asked 10 different teams for their answer and they were all wrong! It’s a lot to count.

The kids loved this, and I loved the intensity of the kids reciting the Articles of Faith to each other and counting the words. It was so cool! It also rewarded them for what they memorized!