Just cut a slit in the top of the lid just wide enough for only one lid to slide through. I like it snug enough that it takes a little push to get the lid through the opening, and a lid will sit in the opening until pushed through.

Save the metal lids from juice cans. These feel awesome in your hands and make a great clanking noise when one hits the pile at the bottom of the tube. They are smooth and nice to handle.

Empty the can lids on the floor, put the lid back on the tube, and let your child fill the tube with the metal lids. You’ll be surprised at how many times they will repeat this!

Jon has made it fun for even the older kids and adults by timing how fast each person can put all the lids in the tube. I guess we’re a little competitive!

Here’s 1 1/2-year old Andrew being silly and pushing the lid in with his nose.