Gift #5 - Immortality and Eternal Life – Jesus made it possible for us to be resurrected.”

Object – Round stone, glove (represents body and spirit)•Scripture: “The spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time” Alma 11:43

•“Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected that we may live again, that we may be purified and cleansed from sin, prepared for the glorious light of eternal life” President Henry B. Eyring, December 2011.

•“[The Savior gave us the gift of] Immortality. Because the Savior overcame death, all men and women, both the just and the unjust, will live forever. [He gave us] Eternal Life – the greatest gift of all. Because of the atonement of Christ, not only are we guaranteed an infinite quantity of life, but he offers the possibility of an unimaginable quality of life as well” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, December 2011.

•The gift of immortality gives us hope in knowing we will be with our loved ones again after this life, and that our resurrected bodies will be perfect. The gift of eternal life gives us cause to rejoice, knowing that we can become like our Heavenly Father and live with Him forever.

Watch “What Shall We Give?” by President Thomas S. Monson (3:51).

Wrap four special boxes and put them under the tree to be opened last. (We keep ours under our 3’ Devotional Tree. Label and fill them with the objects explained below. Print the explanations and include in the boxes.

Giving gifts is one way we show our love for each other. (Express your love and your hope that your family feels your love today.) These gifts from our Heavenly Father and from the Savior are the greatest gifts they could give, and demonstrate their love for us. Have the children take turns opening each gift. Read the text and discuss. If the children are old enough, have them teach about what is in their box and share their belief in or testimony of that concept.

Gift #1 – The Savior’s Birth – "Heavenly Father gave us His Son, a Savior for the World."

Object – Baby Jesus from a Nativity set

•“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16.

•“Heavenly Father gave us the gift of a Savior, His perfect son, the Lamb without blemish” President Henry B. Eyring, December 2011.

Gift #2 – The Gift of the Restored Gospel - Jesus restored the fulness of the gospel.

•Object – Temple/framed picture of your temple wedding

•“For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language…” D&C 90:11.

•“By personal appearance of the Father and the Son and through angels He has restored the Church of Jesus Christ in the latter days. He has called prophets and apostles to guide us to safety in this life and eternal life in the life in the world to come” President Henry B. Eyring, December 2011.

Because the gospel was restored to the earth, we have another witness of Christ in the Book of Mormon, we have modern prophets and apostles to lead and guide us, we have the priesthood and saving ordinances, we have the guidance of the Holy Ghost, and we have temples which enable us to live forever as families.

Gift #3 –  Jesus’ Teachings – “Jesus taught us how to live righteously."

•Object – Scriptures, heart, 10 commandments

•Scripture: “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you” John 13:15.

•“Because He came to earth, we have the perfect example to follow. As we strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and happiness in our lives and peace each day of the year. It is His example, which if followed serves within us more kindness and love, more respect and concern for others” President Thomas S. Monson, December 2011.

Gift #4 – Forgiveness and Repentance – "Jesus made it possible for us to be saved from sin."

Object - Olive branch, cross, snowflake

•Scripture: “For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent” D&C 19:16.

•“[The Savior gave us the gift of] forgiveness. Even though our sins and imperfections be as scarlet, they can become white as snow because of Him – He is our Savior” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, December 2011.

•“Without repentance, there is no real progress or improvement in life. Pretending there is no sin does not lessen its burden and pain. Suffering for sin does not by itself change anything for the better. Only repentance leads to the sunlit uplands of a better life. And, of course, only through repentance do we gain access to the atoning grace of Jesus Christ and salvation. Repentance is a divine gift, and there should be a smile on our faces when we speak of it. It points us to freedom, confidence, and peace. Rather than interrupting the celebration, the gift of repentance is the cause for true celebration” Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “The Divine Gift of Repentance,” Ensign, Nov. 2011.

24 Days of Christmas lessons:  Nov 30   Dec 1   2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11     12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25


“May we always remember to bring gifts to Him who has given His all for us. May we always remember and be grateful that in the birth of that child, the universe rejoiced. And may each Christmas season remind us to lift up our voices and fill our hearts with joy and gratitude that Christ the King has come. Christ lives. He is real. He is our redeemer at Christmas and always” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, December 2011.

“May His precious spirit be with us and may He ever be the center of our celebrations and indeed of our very lives” President Thomas S. Monson, December 2011.

*Influences on this lesson: December 2011 First Presidency Christmas Devotional

A PDF of this complete lesson can be found HERE.