So, music of many varieties goes on in our house. The only downside is that I can’t stop singing the songs myself - particularly when I’m trying to go to sleep! Good thing the upside is worth it.

Amy loves the song “Fish at Play” and we hear it many, many times each day!

I got on a roll making picture-prompt cards for the songs I want my kids to know. So far I have cards for the books in the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon; the 13 Articles of Faith, Latter-Day Prophets, 1st Pres. & 12 Apostles, Choose the Right, and I Believe in Christ. The last two are the “monthly” songs I’ve been teaching the kids during FHE. This has been working really well.

We are working on lots of memorization (books in the scriptures, Articles of Faith, etc.) and the songs have been key in passing off these items. Memorizing this stuff has been a basic survival skill for me, and I want to make sure that my kids have the same tools in their belt. So far, so good.

Andrew is really into learning new songs and quite often tells me, “Mom, I want to sing dis song fow you.” I love his cute pronunciations, etc.

Here’s Adam singing “Books in the New Testament.” I put the first letter (or two) above each picture. He can sing it without the cards as well, but really likes using them.

Here’s Natalie playing “Dancing Daisy Fields”:

Piano playing is still the “music candy” around here. Amy and Natalie each learned a fun new piece during the week they stayed with their Bountiful grandparents. We are working on finger technique still, but they are doing really well for how long they have played (4 months).
