Yeah for Halloween!

Adam was stoked about his vampire face!

Harry Potter

a very last-minute doctor

We had an “off” year for costumes, meaning we just resurrected our old witch costumes and borrowed a few things for the boys. I wished we could’ve really made the kids’ imaginations come to life (what they originally wanted to be for Halloween,) but life priorities took over and we improvised. And guess what? They still got candy and had a great holiday!

The boys were super excited about their Joy School Halloween party. They sang a few cute songs for the parents and we ate treats.

Adam got to come with Jon and me on our date night to “Miss Willey’s” farewell cello concert. When Elizabeth saw Adam, she motioned for him to run past the line of people waiting to talk to her, swooped him up in her arms and gave him a great big hug. It melted my heart! She’s going to be a fabulous missionary.

It was fun to do something different for date night.

Natalie, Amy and Adam performed in their Halloween piano recital Saturday morning. Adam pulled this face DURING the recital while playing his piece. He knows he’s not supposed to look at the audience while performing, and not only did he look, but he was being a goofball, making silly faces. It was hard to contain the laughter!

Trick-or-treating was a new adventure this year due to a downpour of rain! We tried to hit a few homes during a break in the rain, but got plastered on our way to the fourth house. Jon and Andrew rescued us and took us to a few homes in the van.

We stopped by Rosie’s during the rain to visit them and their awesome animated witch. The kids took turns with the microphone, making her talk.

The rest of the evening was dry. The kids had a ball together!

We enjoyed a more relaxed Halloween meal this year on Sunday. It was smart to do this on a day other than the trick-or-treating day, which is inevitably busy.

Courtenay brought the newest dish to the Halloween table: a vegetable skeleton.

The orange mashed potatoes are my favorite (made by adding a few sweet potatoes to the regular dish).