Friday Jon and I had a special Seder dinner with our ward (to learn about the Jewish Passover), which took our whole evening, so earlier in the day I taught the kids about Jesus’ Trial and Crucifixion. Andrew was napping, and all three of the older kids were glued to the story and pictures (enough that I was pleasantly surprised). I feel like they are little sponges right now, so this is a special time to teach them. We watched “To This End Was I Born” together.

Saturday we discussed Jesus’ visit to the Spirit World (D&C 138) and tried out a new Easter program with narrators and songs: “Why We Rejoice” by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen. The girls and I were narrators and they loved that! I paused before each phrase in the songs to tell Adam the upcoming words. He sang along with all of the songs, which was really, really neat.

Sunday morning we had special religious-themed Easter eggs to find. After stake conference, I told the story of Christ’s resurrection and we did the Easter Story egg lesson. We enjoyed Easter dinner in Bountiful with Jon’s family. Yay for Easter week! Now to rest from my labors....

I tried in vain to fix a tie this morning - one of the blue matching ties I had for the boys. You win some, you lose some!