This is the reason I put forth the effort. I love those smiles!

Those are 4 little hearts from today in Natalie’s hair.

The one day I fixed Natalie’s hair in a heart before school Jon had the camera, so this was taken with my phone :o(  These are a lot harder to do than people make them seem!

Amy’s hair from today. I should’ve made the middle pony higher so it would look like a heart. Amy’s hair is harder to do because it is shorter and very thick.

Amy’s Thursday hairdo

Amy had a hard time being patient with me. She’d keep asking “Which picture are you on, Mom? Are you on this one yet?” as I followed along the web tutorials.

Amy’s hairdo on Monday. OK, this is the first time I’ve done any French braids in her hair. So pulling off a heart was pretty tricky! Her hair is so, so thick, but so beautiful! I learned from this and was glad that she felt extra pretty and special even though it wasn’t perfect.