My boys learned how to show their food from Uncle Alan (my brother) via FHE-DVDs made by my mom.

Thanks, Alan!

It was fun to see Molly, Devin & Ben before they headed out to be with D’s family.

Gommy made the best rolls!

We saw Barney, Mary & her sister for about 5 minutes on their way to Idaho.

The kids’ table rules!

After-meal wrestling with Jon before he fell asleep under the piano... Jon, that is.

I love this picture of Gary & Ben.

Ben is just a model-baby... so cute!

It was so cool to see him walking!

While we were having so much fun talking, Adam and Andrew found Molly’s blue-tinted pomade. They decided that the arm chairs downstairs could use some extra shine. At  least it was blue on blue, eh?

They got in big trouble. Jon and I cleaned up the chairs real nice, and the now downstairs smells really good!

Sorry, M’Jean!

I hope your Thanksgiving was grand!